Cash Book Format For Small Business In India

Useful cash book report format to record and track the flow of cash payment

item wise purchase report for small business

Cash Book Report Format

Cash Book Report is useful to track all the cash payment entries recorded for the given time duration. You can record every received cash, paid cash and track Cash In Hand at any cash entry. Use this cash book report format to record all the cash entries of of the day and create a Day Cash Book Report.

Key Details

Cash Received

Use this column to record the cash amount whenever any cash amount is received from customer. Cash Received is also known as Cash In.

Cash Paid

Use this column to record the cash amount whenever any cash amount is paid to any supplier or pay for any expense. Cash Paid is also known as Cash Out.

Cash In Hand

Cash In Hand is the cash amount left in your hand or wallet after recording the cash entry. You can track Cash In Hand after each cash In, Cash Out entry.

Cash In Hand = Cash In Hand of Previous cash entry + Cash In(+)/Out(-)

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